49 Year Old Models

These two model kits came up on EBay for a low price, so I bought them as I fancied making a couple of World War One aircraft. When they arrived the boxes said they were made by Revel in 1964 so as I write, they are 49 years old! Most collectors would keep them in pristine condition and covet them as things of beauty. But, I'm not a collector, so I built them.

The Albatros D-III

The De Havilland DH.2


  1. They look really good. A bit of an unfair fight, but nice models.

  2. Thanks guys, I don't game with these, they sit on my mantelpiece along with some other models!

  3. they look great..but seeing as the kits are still available IĀ“d have saved them as they were....................................................................not really :-D IĀ“d have built them as well ;-D

    1. Thanks Paul, a man after my own heart! Where's the enjoyment in having something stuck in a box?


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