Final unit for I Corps and the full Corps!

I recently finished the final cavalry unit of the Allied Army I Corps of the 100 Days Campaign, which is the 2nd (Dutch/Belgian) light cavalry brigade under Major-Genral van Merlen. The brigade is made up of 6th (Dutch) Hussar regiment (in blue) and 4th (Dutch) Light Dragoon regiment (in green). I also added a commander and trumpeter figure at the front, leading the men in a charge.

I actually ran out of Hussar figures so had to add a couple of different figures from some left overs, look closely and you may spot them. However, this is not really noticeable at this scale and will not be too obvious at game's length, so I will sleep at night. 

This is the last unit I need for I Corps and they also complete the cavalry support compliment for the Corps. 

It has taken me nearly six months to complete I Corps from when I started in August. It's been a long journey and I have learnt a lot about the 100 Days Campaign, in particular, about the uniforms of the Dutch and Belgian troops! Research is a big part of this hobby and in historical wargaming, particularly, and it's an aspect I also really enjoy.

OK, so here are some pictures of the entire Corps. For now I'm satisfied with the results, however, there are a few bases that I will revisit in the future, the Guards and KGL, for example, should really be the other way around (two battalions in the Guards, four for the KGL). This can wait and doesn't affect the overall look of the figures:

And literally as I had finished the last unit, my postal order of French I Corps infantry marched through the letterbox! A quick word here about Baccus, I asked if I could change the ratios of command strips to infantry strips, to cut down on wastage as my battalions are made up of a different composition to the ratios of figures they sell. They replied instantly, asking me to detail the ratio change in the comments section of my order and when they arrived everything was sorted! Brilliant customer service.

On that note, I am going to have a break  from painting 6mm before I start proper on the French chaps (as it's Christmas and all...), but I managed to paint four as a tester before I embark on the full unit.

Finally there will be no more posts on this blog until the new year, so have a happy Christmas and I hope your stockings will be full of lead!

Thanks for reading!


  1. A finished project, and well finished!

  2. Fab work!!

    They do look great on those bases, it makes all the difference at the smaller end of things.


    1. Thanks Darrell, I am glad you liked them. I really like the design of these bases, they look rather quirky to me!

  3. congratulations on finishing your project. While 6mm may be a bit small for me, I really appreciate how good it all looks together, and your determination to finish! As I've been spending a lot of time on Neil Thomas gaming, I've been tempted to do some 6 or 10mm stuff since it would fit so well on the little 3x5' table in my home office. Alas, can't decide on what to do as I've been going to 40mm, the other direction so to speak.

    1. Thank you, I am glad you liked the finished product! 6m would work very well on a small board, it is also reasonably cheap, so you could work a project with little outlay anyway!

  4. That is one incredible sight, impressive just doesn't do it justice!

    1. Thanks Russ!! I am glad you liked the full set up.


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