Some Bits from the Last Couple of Weeks
I have a new part-time job where the route to work takes me past Hobbycraft, which is obviously quite dangerous. I called in and picked up this Revell Star Destroyer model for next to nothing. Having only twenty pieces I built it in a matter of minutes.
And being Imperial Grey, it was also painted in a matter of minutes. For the weathering, I varnished the model after painting it in Vallejo's Deck Tan. I then brushed clean water over it. Then I painted Vallejo's Black Ink directly on. Finally, before the ink dried I wiped it off with a piece of kitchen towel. It left the ink in the recesses and was a very simple job.
Also, back at the Other Partizan (see my video report on the show by clicking HERE), I bought this horror in clay; a small statuette of Cthulhu from Crooked Dice.
As with all of Crooked Dice's stuff this is packed with detail and beautifully sculpted. I'll be using it as a lead investigator token for the Arkham Horror board games I have.
Speaking of Hobbycraft, I was drawn in there again. I don't remember what happened, but the next thing I know I was driving home with these two boxes in my car...
Over on the Storm of Steel Youtube Channel, I have posted a new AAR from last weekend's game of Star Wars: Legion. This is an experiment and I will think about posting more AARs in the future. Let me know what you think of it (and please subscribe).
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