21st Division, VI Corps, Army Du Nord 1815

Something I never thought I'd say is: "I now don't have to paint another French Infantryman from 1815 ever again!" But I can say that now,m with the completion of the last brigade of the VI Corps of Napoleon's Armee Du Nord of 1815. This is 21st Division under Général de Division Baron François Antoine Teste. 

6mm Baccus figures for the Waterloo Campaign

The 21st Division was formed of two brigades, with the 8th Line, 65th Line and 75th Line regiments, but only four battalions in total. For this reason, the entire division has been represented as a single brigade base. 

Baccus 6mm French Infantry

Along with the rest of VI Corps the 21st was delayed in the initial moves during the Waterloo Campaign, was present at Ligny and then later at Wavre. They had very little impact at either engagement. 

Wargaming figures for the Waterloo Campaign

However, they have considerable impact on me! Because this means that I have now finished the final infantry Corps for Napoleon's Armee Du Nord. This was an easy Corps to finish though as it was only four bases, but here they are all together:

The French VI Corps of 1815

Now, it's on to the last cavalry bases!

The information for this post came from Mark Adkin's Waterloo Companion and John Franklin's Waterloo (3) Mont St Jean and Wavre by Osprey (Amazon affiliate links).

And finally, enjoy this new video about the forthcoming Warlord Games Judge Dredd miniatures game.


  1. Yay! Almost there now. How many cavalry do you have left to paint before starting on the Prussians? :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin! There's eight to do and they only take half the time of the infantry bases. So it's all downhill from here!


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