An Ecstasy of Fumbling

After completing the first trench section, I was enthused enough to complete the other two that came with the set from Early War Miniatures and here is a semi-complete step-by-step account of how I painted them.
The first photo was taken after I had put the sand and PVA over the areas outside of the trench. They had also been sprayed dark brown in the following picture, but you can see that I have also painted the wooden parts of the trench furniture in Khaki Grey. It's looking pretty ugly at this stage:

Next up was a drybrush of the entire piece with Khaki, this also included painting all the sandbags in Khaki as well. I also painted the wriggly tin in a rust colour during this stage, but still, it looks like a mess.

This is the second of the three pieces, this one had more open areas of plastic, the tops of dugouts, which you can see I have also drybrushed in Khaki. This whole process took a couple of hours and was pretty boring to be honest, it's large areas of flat that need to be dealt with!

As I said, this is not a complete tutorial, but the next stage was the inkwash the trench furniture and sandbags in Army Painter's Dark Shade, then a drybrushing of German Camo Beige to highlight the wood. Finally, I added clumps of static grass and varnished the entire things. Here are all three finally finished:

In the set I got a couple of roofs for a dugout that is the feature of one of the trenches, the interior is nicely detailed as you can see here:

As for holding them together, EWM recommended using rare earth magnets, you can see how I super-glued four to the edges of each piece. They are strong enough to stop the pieces moving about in a game. It took a  little while to get these in the right place. The way I did it was to glue four on the edge of one board, then matched up another board and held the two together with masking tape so they wouldn't slip. I then superglued the corresponding magnets on the other board.

And that was it, pretty simple really, and is how they look when defended by a big group of Germans under attack from British tanks and infantry!

I said it before, these are an excellent product and probably the best trenches that I have seen on the market, I intend on getting some more, to create a second line of defence plus some other bits and pieces like mortar pits and the like. The more I can add to these the more choice I will have for scenarios.

Well, that's it from me for a while, I am off to San Francisco for a fortnight on Saturday, so there will be a break down in communication until I am back, but thanks for reading!


  1. very cool looking set up! trench warfare at its best, British tanks rolling across the battlefield looks absolutely spot on

    1. Thanks Russ, I'm glad you liked the set up. I need to get more First War Figures to do the trenches justice!

  2. Great tutorial.

    The shots with the tanks rolling across are superb. Inspiring stuff.



    1. Cheers Pete, I am sorry it wasn't a complete tutorial, but I forgot to take photos!


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