Big German Cat

One of the things I bought at Salute the other weekend was a Zvezda Jadgtiger in 1/100th scale. As there were not many of these built and used in the Second World War, one model was enough for me. It was an easy job to paint and the model went together really easily.

I painted it in typical three tone German camouflage scheme of the late war. This was simply inkwashed and then drybrushed with the base colour. 

I will use this for Rapid Fire or maybe Chain of Command (which I also bought at Salute). 

Whilst we're on the subject of German armoured fighting vehicles, here is the latest Storm of Steel Youtube video on the German Panther, its development and combat role. Watch it here and please subscribe!

All the Amazon links are affiliate links which awards me a small amount of money for each sale. 


  1. I do like those Zvezda vehicles, they always put me in mind of Roco, which we always aspired to when I was a kid.

    1. They are excellent sculpts, really clean and crisp. They also go together easily as well.


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