More Birthday Bonanzas!

The presents from my birthday the other week keep rolling in. With some birthday money I bought myself From Boer War to World War by Spencer Jones, The British Trench Warfare 1917-18, the board game Tsuro and Axis Allies WW1 1914. I haven't had a chance to play WW1 yet (or properly read the books...), but I have always liked the A&A series of games, or at least, the ones I have played! We played Tsuro last week after our introductory game of Through the Mud and the Blood and it is a great little game that is quick and easy to pick up and most importanly fun to play.

Then my brother's presents came through the post, two DVDs, the extremely good Russian film Come and See and a German film I was unaware of Lore. These were also accompanied by The Long Shadow by David Reynolds.

So even more war related items. I'm not complaining, although I am not sure when I will get a chance to sit down and read and watch them!
